Feature spread - Independent magazine

Feature spread - Das Magazin

Angle-Grinderman in a car park

Angle-Grinderman removing a wheel clamp

Angle-Grinderman - Confronting youths on the street

Angle-Grinderman lifts his golden angle-grinder

Angle-Grinderman on the street in the rain

Captain Beany in his late mothers bedroom

Captain Beany on the campaign trail

Captain Beany - in the pub

Captain Beany - gets changed in the toilet, Port Talbot Wales

Dougy the comedian backstage in his superman outfit

Dougy - balances on a chair

Dougy - drys his hair backstage

Mathsman in his kitchen at home

Mathsman doing a pull-up

Mr Methane - Professional flatulist

Mr Methane - Goes on stage

Pigman - behind the wrestling arena

Super Tranny - Drinking tea at home

Super Tranny - At the bus stop

Super Tranny - Puts on a wig

Super Tranny - pointing out local security

Super Tranny - Wig on a milk bottle

Superman's Pockets - hardbound lycra bound book

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